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Mass & Sacraments

Regular Mass & Sacraments Schedule


Sunday 7:40am (before 8:00am Mass)


Holy Hour

Thursday 5:30pm – 6:30pm


Sacred Music

Gospel Choir


"Serve the LORD with gladness; Come before Him with joyful singing." (Psalm 100:2)


Do you sing in the shower? Sing in your car? While at work? Why not use that voice to sing to the Glory of God? The gospel choir is a longstanding tradition at St. Francis de Sales. The full choir sings at the 12:30 Mass on first, third and fifth Sundays and for the celebrations of Christmas, Holy Week, Easter and other Solemn Feasts throughout the liturgical year; the small choir sings on 2nd and 4th Sundays.  


For more information about the gospel choir, please contact the parish office at





Sacramental Preparation

Sacrament of Baptism


Baptism of infants is celebrated publicly during the Sunday mass or privately at some other time. To make arrangements for your child’s baptism, please contact the rectory at 202-529-7451.


Sacrament of Confirmation


Preparation for the reception of this sacrament takes place privately for children of late elementary school age. Parents whose children are enrolled in private Catholic schools should contact the pastor to make arrangements for Confirmation.

Candidates are required by Canon Law to have a sponsor. Sponsors for the sacrament of Confirmation must meet the same requirements as a godparent for baptism. The Church encourages that the sponsor be one of the candidate’s godparents whenever possible. Doing so is a visible sign of the connection between Baptism and Confirmation. However, another person who meets the requirements may be selected if necessary.

High school aged teens and those adults who have not been confirmed should contact the pastor to make arrangements as soon as possible. These individuals are also prepared privately for reception of this sacrament


Sacrament of Holy Matrimony


Requirements: In order to be married in the Catholic Church a man and a woman who present themselves for Holy Matrimony must meet the following requirements:


  • Must be at least 18

  • Never Married before, or if previously married, their spouse is now deceased.

  • Not related to each other by blood (first cousin or closer).

  • Both are capable of the marital sexual act.

  • Both intend to enter a permanent, indissoluble marriage, and to be faithful to each other for life.

  • Both intend to enter a marriage that is open to the procreation and raising of children.

  • One of the two is a Catholic.


Note: Please contact the Pastor if you have any questions about these requirements. These requirements are stated generally, and some of them may require further discussion, given your personal context. Also, help can be made available to help you meet requirements, (e.g. annulments, etc).


If you want to have a wedding at St Francis de SalesPlease contact the Pastor at least six months prior to your preferred date at 202-529-7451.

Religious Education

To make arrangements for your instruction in the Catholic faith, please contact the rectory at 202-529-7451.

"Do not fear what may happen tomorrow. The same loving Father who cares for you today will care for you  tomorrow and everyday. Either he will shield you from suffering or He will give you unfailing  strength to bear it. Be at peace then and put aside all anxious thoughts and imaginings."

— St. Francis de Sales

Mass & Devotions

Sacraments at St. Francis de Sales
“Prayer, united with the Divine Sacrifice of the Holy Mass, has an indescribable force; therefore by this means celestial favors united to the Beloved abound in the soul.”
— St. Francis de Sales
Regular Mass & Sacraments Schedule

Sunday Masses

8:00 am 
11:30 am 


Saturday Anticipatory Masses

5:30 pm


Sacrament of Penance

Saturday 3:00 pm – 5:00 pm or by request



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Our Holy Patron: St Francis de Sales
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